Organization Full Program · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · Flagged · Happening NowMore…Search ProgramFlaggedHappening NowTexas A&M UniversityContributorsGopal BeraMitchell HuffmanInok JunAnthony KnapElaine OranBhushan PawarScott SocolofskyQingsheng WangPresentationsPaperA response guidance tool for determining the impact of SSDI on released oil and gas from artificial subsea oil well blowout simulationsRemediationPaperMulti-Scale Experimental Characterization of In-Situ Burning Using Fire Whirls and the Effect of Oil Slick Thickness on Burning Efficiencies and EmissionsResponsePaperSensitivity of six species of Atlantic scleractinian corals to petroleum hydrocarbonsRemediationPaperSimulation of Hydraulic Dispersion of Oil by Water JetsResponse