Organization Full Program · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · Flagged · Happening NowMore…Search ProgramFlaggedHappening NowExxonMobilContributorsRichard DaviKelly McFarlinTim NedwedLin ZhaoSession ChairsKelly Marie McFarlinTim NedwedPresentationsPaperA response guidance tool for determining the impact of SSDI on released oil and gas from artificial subsea oil well blowout simulationsRemediationPosterAquatic Fate and Effects of HerdersPreparednessPreventionRemediationResponseRestorationSpecial SessionCollaboration on Training and Exercises to Develop the Sixth Generation of Spill Responders and Incident ManagersPaperCreating a Multi-Stakeholder Community of Practice for Wildlife Preparedness and ResponseResponsePaperEnhancing the mechanical recovery of oil from marine and freshwater environmentsPreventionSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Inland RespondersSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Seasoned ExpertsPaperProof of concept study for in-situ burn application using conventional containment booms – Design of Burning TongueResponsePaperRemotely Operated Vehicle for Oil Spill ResponseResponseSessionsPaperNew Technology Developments - EquipmentPreventionSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Seasoned ExpertsSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Inland Responders