Organization Full Program · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · Flagged · Happening NowMore…Search ProgramFlaggedHappening NowBureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement (BSEE)ContributorsSteven BuschangJohn CaplisJay ChoGina M. CoelhoKristi McKinneyBryan RogersAnn G. SlaughterKaren StoneSession ChairsGina M. CoelhoPresentationsPaperAdvances in plume dispersion modeling using emissions data from an Unmanned Aircraft SystemResponsePaperDevelopment of Response Information for Offshore Oil Spills in Area Contingency PlansPreventionPaperIn-situ Burning with a Floating Flame Refluxer SystemResponsePaperIndependent Evaluation of Adsorbents for Oil Spill RespondersRestorationPaperLiDAR Oil Characterization and Automated Software DevelopmentPreparednessPaperOpportunities for testing and operationalizing new technologies for shoreline oil spill assessment and cleanup: technical options, recommendations, and a management proposalRestorationPaperOptimized Underwater Detection of Dispersed Oils Using Scanning FluorometryPreventionPaperRemotely Operated Vehicle for Oil Spill ResponseResponsePosterUtilization of a UAS-Lidar system for oil spill response in arctic regionsPreparednessPreventionRemediationResponseRestorationSessionsPaperSubsea Response OptionsResponse