Advancing the Common Operational Picture
DescriptionThe Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA) has been an instrumental tool in coordinating spill response since the 2010 Deepwater Horizon disaster. In the years following, ERMA has had to adapt to support newer tools and technology, so as to continue to support the aggregation of data from myriad providers in order to present a complete and comprehensive picture to responders. In this session we will talk about: leveraging Open Source technologies to aggregate services from external data sources (namely, ESRI Collector and Survey123); the need and use of authentication tokens to allow for the ingest of data by ERMA, and consumption of data from ERMA; New techniques and tools to allow responders to filter data and provide customized views based on attributes and geographic areas.
Event Type
TimeThursday, May 16th12:30pm - 12:50pm CDT