

Using ESRI Off-the-Shelf Customizable Applications to Manage Post-Hurricane Pollution Responses: Vessel, All-hazards, Debris Response (VADR) Tool
DescriptionHurricanes that make landfall do more than just property damage; they are also capable of causing significant pollution in the waterways, from damaged oil infrastructure and chemical facilities to derelict and storm-damaged vessels. It can be challenging to keep track of sources and threats of pollution in a post-storm response. We have developed a tool and data management system based on ESRI’s off-the-shelf mobile applications ArcGIS Collector and Field Maps to assist the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to manage these sources and threats of pollution. Working in partnership with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administrations (NOAA), Office of Response and Restoration, Emergency Response Division (ERD), we have leveraged our Vessel, All-hazards, Debris Response (VADR) Tool, on three major hurricanes: Hurricane Sally (Alabama and the western FL Panhandle, 2020), Hurricane Ida (Louisiana, 2021), and Hurricane Ian (Southwest FL, 2022), as well as providing concurrent support for Hurricanes Delta and Zeta in 2020, tracking a combination of abandoned and derelict vessels, damaged oil infrastructure, and damaged chemical facilities. This tool was utilized by USCG assessment teams to locate, validate, and assess these threats, and track any pollution remediations that were needed. It has also been used by state agencies to track abandoned and derelict vessels from their discovery to final disposition. Using these field tools give assessment teams a map-centric data view, often incorporating post-storm imagery collected by various entities, and allowing USCG Operations the ability to make time-critical updates and decisions back in the Command Post. These data are fed into the Common Operating Picture (COP) that is maintained by NOAA for response-wide viewing capabilities.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, May 15th10:00am - 10:20am CDT