The American Petroleum Institute’s Role in Addressing Research Priorities through Collaboration
DescriptionThe American Petroleum Institute (API) recognizes the importance of collaboration in advancing scientific research that addresses ongoing and emerging issues related to oil spill preparedness and response. Since 2015, API has funded 18 projects (ongoing or completed), resulting in 20 publications in peer-reviewed journals (with 11 papers under development), and 13 technical reports. API’s process for advancing the science involves a technical committee of representatives from member companies tasked with identifying research priorities and preparing study objectives, followed by the selection of research organizations that will conduct the work. Once studies are completed, researchers are encouraged to publish their work in peer-reviewed journals and to present their work in scientific conferences. Projects and associated peer-reviewed publications have covered a broad range of priority areas including oil fate and effects, biodegradation, integrated modeling, science communication, efficacy and effectiveness of response technologies, among others, which collectively have addressed knowledge gaps. API has also produced key technical reports on seminal topics around dispersant effectiveness, shoreline response, and in-situ burning emissions. An additional element of these collaborations involves the active communication of scientific outcomes through several avenues such as API’s online library and bibliography, stakeholder engagement meetings, and technical workshops, all contributing to outreach, and improved accessibility to knowledge and information. A main motivation for sponsoring and participating in research initiatives is to foster multidisciplinary collaborations and global partnerships, while generating knowledge and promoting an honest discourse among researchers and end-users of scientific outcomes applicable to oil spill preparedness and response. The primary objective of this paper is to provide a general overview of the research and outcomes generated through API’s strategic collaborations.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, May 15th4:10pm - 4:30pm CDT