

Study of the response preparedness in European and Mediterranean ports and identification of best practices and main gaps
DescriptionThe IRA-MAR project for "Improving the integrated response to pollution accidents at sea and chemical risk in ports" is co-funded by the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations - DG-ECHO and led by SGMer (France). This two-year project (March 2022 - March 2024) aims to help France, Italy, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain and Tunisia to improve their preparedness for marine pollution events through an integrated approach to response, both at sea and on shore. The Work Package 3 of the project was dedicated to the study of the response preparedness in ports and identification of best practices to be shared as well as main gaps and improvement actions to be developed in potential future European projects. The study was carried out in three stages. The first was an online survey among 85 port authorities in 14 European and Mediterranean countries. The second stage was a series of interviews in selected ports. The final stage was a final workshop. The essential aspects of good preparedness were studied (cooperation of stakeholders, contingency plan, equipment stocks, training and human resources, etc.). Each port interviewed was given the opportunity to express its views on the best practices it recommends in terms of response. Highly contrasting situations were observed between different countries and even between ports in the same country. However, common areas for improvement have been identified, particularly in terms of preparedness to combat pollution from non-petroleum products. The final workshop of this study enabled the national port authorities targeted by the project to agree on a dozen of recommendations.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, May 15th10:00am - 10:20am CDT