Leveraging Advanced Information Technologies and Artificial Intelligence Applications to Enhance Situational Awareness: New and Future Models for Oil Spill Prevention, Preparedness and Response
DescriptionWhen OPA’ 90 was enacted, email as an Information Technology (an “IT”) for common business practice for communications was still in its infancy, mostly limited to correspondence among those in government, scientific, and academic circles. Environmental Sensitivity Indices (ESIs) were still, in those days, large volumes in binders requiring As the world’s information technology (IT) and artificial intelligence (AI) posture has evolved to the sophisticated level witnessed today, communications and data transfer between Responsible Parties (RPs), regulators, and spill response providers has organically grown and evolved in kind. In this paper we examine several current examples where IT solutions are embedded in response practice in meaningful ways. Focus will be placed, while considering these examples, on the Graphic User Interface (“GUI” or simply “UI”), as the interaction between the system user and the information on the screen is the primary source of value derived by these systems. In conclusion, we will consider where those solutions may lead us in the future.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, May 15th8:00am - 8:20am CDT