Tissue Hydrocarbon Burdens and Genetic Responses of Mussels Exposed to Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons Following an Alaskan Oil Spill
DescriptionPAPER289s4: A minor oil spill in April 2020 at the Alyeska Marine Terminal (Valdez, AK) provided a spill of opportunity to monitor hydrocarbon weathering and depuration kinetics in contaminated mussels at the spill site in contrast to background signatures at non-contaminated control stations and, as a contrasting positive control, from the City of Valdez boat harbor. Of particular interest was the opportunity to assess oiled Alaskan mussels’ response under sub-Arctic conditions as most comparable studies have focused on temperate species and conditions. The mussels’ genetic transcription processes also were tracked to assess the dynamics triggered by the spill. Integrating genetics with tissue chemistry suggests an approach for more robust and insightful exposure/recovery monitoring tools.
Event Type
TimeTuesday, May 14th2:10pm - 2:30pm CDT