Multi-dimensional Quantitative Analysis for Geographic Response Strategy Validation
DescriptionOil spill response and prevention planning are a messy endeavor, even when not dealing directly with the spilled product. Amidst what are regularly high-tension situations, the demands placed on Incident Commanders through requests by trustees, impacted community members, and government officials are significant and variable. Coupling that with a perpetual need for more response resources and the potential for differing opinions on what are the most important areas to protect, not knowing where to deploy your assets may be just enough to disrupt an effective response. To mitigate this disruption, and put the focus back on the response, this group developed a systematic multi-criteria analysis process to quantitatively identify at-risk areas and develop the corresponding booming strategies to protect them. Utilizing only open-source geospatial data and numerical models (OILMAP), results were processed through Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solutions (TOPSIS) analysis to determine areas of greatest risk for either an active response or in the planning process. This analysis and risk calculation is tailorable to any area by including area specific geospatial layers and also by ranking the perceived importance of each layer by the Area Committee or Incident Commanders. The TOPSIS analysis is capable of processing an unlimited number of layers and such layers may include shoreline sensitivity, commercial fishing or aquaculture, recreational areas, shipping channels and their respective commerce, and historical or indigenous sites. This technique is completely customizable and adaptable to any area, providing high-quality analysis that is unique to the needs of each unit and pollution event. With limited resources and competing demands during a response, employing a risked-based model such as this, when developing or implementing Geographic Response Strategies, greatly helps gain consensus from all port partners and trustees.
Event Type
TimeThursday, May 16th12:50pm - 1:10pm CDT