A Modular Framework to Assess Oil Spill Impacts on Commercial Fish Stocks
DescriptionThe SYMBIOSES (“System for biology based assessments”) project’s consortium has more than ten years' experience with simulating impacts of large oil spills on the recruitment and biomass of commercially important fish stocks in the Northern North Atlantic. Its backbone is a framework that couples a high resolution 3-D biological-physical ocean circulation model to an oil module and a model for fish early life stages (ELS), including trophic, oil, and copepod mortality effects using a Dynamic Energy Budget. A second module is applied offline (post-hoc) and evaluates impacts of larval mortalities on harvestable biomass for six commercial fish species in the North Atlantic. While the SYMBIOSES project so far has focused on the North Atlantic, the framework is completely modular and can be applied to any region where suitable models exist. It defines interfaces for arbitrary models both in Eulerian (grid-based) and Lagrangian (particle-based) reference frames, providing a default grid that is independent from the underlying grids of each model plugin. SYMBIOSES is further parallelized across multiple CPU (Central Processing Unit) cores, which can drastically speed up calculation in High Performance Computing settings. Finally, we showcase the SYMBIOSES framework using model results from parameter sweeps, demonstrating sensitivity of fish recruitment and Spawning Stock Biomass to oil spill type, location, and release rate.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, May 15th10:20am - 10:40am CDT