Promoting Collaborative Multistakeholder Synergy for Proactive Prevention of Major Marine Pollution Events: A case study of MT New Diamond Incident
SessionCase Studies - Incidents
DescriptionPreventing major marine pollution events demands proactive collaboration among diverse stakeholders. This case study scrutinizes the MT New Diamond incident, a large crude oil carrier that ignited off the Sri Lankan coast on September 3rd, 2020, carrying 270,000Mt of crude oil from Kuwait to the Paradip refinery in India. The incident posed a significant environmental disaster risk, emphasizing the need for collaborative multistakeholder synergy to prevent and mitigate such events.
The study outlines the MT New Diamond incident, its causes, and immediate consequences. It explores the collaborative approach involving coastal state authorities, regional agencies, salvage companies, and international maritime industry representatives. Government authorities played a crucial role in coordinating the response, addressing the risk of a major oil spill due to a potential total vessel loss. The study further examines contributions from various organizations to fire suppression and oil spill response operations, highlighting the significance of specialized knowledge and resources in preventing and mitigating marine pollution. The maritime industry, including shipping companies, insurers, and salvage teams, collaborated closely with government authorities and other organizations to develop strategies for extinguishing the fire, preventing oil leaks, and safely removing the vessel. Their expertise in maritime operations and risk management played a crucial role in minimizing long-term consequences. In summary, the MT New Diamond case study underscores collaborative multistakeholder synergy for proactive prevention and mitigation of major marine pollution events. It emphasizes effective coordination, knowledge sharing, and resource mobilization among government authorities, environmental organizations, the maritime industry, and local communities. This study serves as a valuable reference for policymakers, organizations, and industry stakeholders seeking to enhance preparedness and response mechanisms for ship accidents. Through collaborative multistakeholder efforts, a sustainable and resilient approach can safeguard oceans and coastal ecosystems from the threats of major ship accident events.
The study outlines the MT New Diamond incident, its causes, and immediate consequences. It explores the collaborative approach involving coastal state authorities, regional agencies, salvage companies, and international maritime industry representatives. Government authorities played a crucial role in coordinating the response, addressing the risk of a major oil spill due to a potential total vessel loss. The study further examines contributions from various organizations to fire suppression and oil spill response operations, highlighting the significance of specialized knowledge and resources in preventing and mitigating marine pollution. The maritime industry, including shipping companies, insurers, and salvage teams, collaborated closely with government authorities and other organizations to develop strategies for extinguishing the fire, preventing oil leaks, and safely removing the vessel. Their expertise in maritime operations and risk management played a crucial role in minimizing long-term consequences. In summary, the MT New Diamond case study underscores collaborative multistakeholder synergy for proactive prevention and mitigation of major marine pollution events. It emphasizes effective coordination, knowledge sharing, and resource mobilization among government authorities, environmental organizations, the maritime industry, and local communities. This study serves as a valuable reference for policymakers, organizations, and industry stakeholders seeking to enhance preparedness and response mechanisms for ship accidents. Through collaborative multistakeholder efforts, a sustainable and resilient approach can safeguard oceans and coastal ecosystems from the threats of major ship accident events.
Event Type
TimeWednesday, May 15th9:00am - 9:20am CDT