Sponsoring Incident Mangement Team Workshops to Maintain Incident Command System Proficiency
SessionMeet the Poster Authors
DescriptionUnited States Coast Guard Sector Northern New England (SNNE) hosted a pilot-test of a unit-sponsored Incident Management Team (IMT) Workshop on February 8-9, 2023 near Portland, Maine to reinforce knowledge gained during on-line and virtual Incident Command System (ICS) training. This two-day, in-person workshop enabled both SNNE IMT members and representatives from seven agency partners to combine formal mid-level ICS 300 training with immersive role playing for each ICS Operational Planning Cycle meeting using a realistic marine oil spill response scenario.
Over recent years, the Coast Guard’s ICS training delivery has transitioned from annual in-person, unit-based, 4-day ICS 300 classes combined with in-person, weeklong position-based ICS courses to on-line, self-paced ICS 300 training and facilitated virtual position-specific ICS courses. This transition has resulted in significant cost savings and reduced travel requirements. However, it has also reduced Coast Guard members’ opportunities to gain hands-on practical ICS skills and eliminated opportunities for key port partners and agency representatives to participate in US Coast Guard hosted foundational ICS 300-level training. This has led to a marked degradation of ICS skills across the marine incident response community.
Unit-sponsored IMT Workshops, delivered by qualified ICS instructors from the local District, can augment the excellent tri-annual Coast Guard national Incident Management Assist Team (IMAT) provided IMT Workshops to fill this training void. These unit sponsored IMT workshops enable Coast Guard Sectors to maintain a fully qualified IMT and assist port partners reach a high-level of ICS proficiency.
Over recent years, the Coast Guard’s ICS training delivery has transitioned from annual in-person, unit-based, 4-day ICS 300 classes combined with in-person, weeklong position-based ICS courses to on-line, self-paced ICS 300 training and facilitated virtual position-specific ICS courses. This transition has resulted in significant cost savings and reduced travel requirements. However, it has also reduced Coast Guard members’ opportunities to gain hands-on practical ICS skills and eliminated opportunities for key port partners and agency representatives to participate in US Coast Guard hosted foundational ICS 300-level training. This has led to a marked degradation of ICS skills across the marine incident response community.
Unit-sponsored IMT Workshops, delivered by qualified ICS instructors from the local District, can augment the excellent tri-annual Coast Guard national Incident Management Assist Team (IMAT) provided IMT Workshops to fill this training void. These unit sponsored IMT workshops enable Coast Guard Sectors to maintain a fully qualified IMT and assist port partners reach a high-level of ICS proficiency.
Event Type
TimeMonday, May 13th5:00pm - 6:00pm CDT
LocationExhibit Hall G