Mapping logistical and other key support resources for a coastal response
SessionMeet the Poster Authors
DescriptionWhile information about boom, skimmers, and other spill response equipment in Cook Inlet, Alaska is held but just a few sources, mounting and sustaining a large response requires many more types of resources. The Geographic Response Information Database (GRID) is a geospatial database of logistical and other types of resources that may be critical to supporting an oil spill or other emergency response. More than 1700 resources have been incorporated, including meeting rooms, front loaders, helicopters, airstrips, boat ramps, and accommodations. Resources can be viewed along with other relevant data layers within the Cook Inlet Response Tool. Photographs and accompanying text provide information about access or use, such as tide windows for boat ramp access or contact information for a local machine shop.
Developed by Nuka Research for the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, the GRID has been tested and improved through industry-led exercises and other partnerships and continues to evolve as new functionality is added based on user feedback. Recent work has focused on software updates, collaboration with local emergency managers in the region besides those strictly focused on oil spills, and expanded options for data viewing.
Developed by Nuka Research for the Cook Inlet Regional Citizens Advisory Council, the GRID has been tested and improved through industry-led exercises and other partnerships and continues to evolve as new functionality is added based on user feedback. Recent work has focused on software updates, collaboration with local emergency managers in the region besides those strictly focused on oil spills, and expanded options for data viewing.
Event Type
TimeMonday, May 13th5:00pm - 6:00pm CDT
LocationExhibit Hall G