

Enhancing Area Committee Participation: Modernizing Area Committees for Better Internal and External Communications
DescriptionThis poster will look at Alaska's Regional and Area Contingency oil and chemical spill statewide planning paradigm shift from Exxon Valdez era to the late 2018 creation of Area Committees. The poster will look at broad topics related to oil and chemical spill planning in Alaska: interagency internal communication pathways and then examine how agencies used partnerships with academic institutions and online meeting management tools to enhance attendance and participation. With regards to interagency internal communications, specifically how EPA, USCG and ADEC manage 4 Area Plans and one regional plan, essentially visualizing what it means to do joint planning without joint plans across three agencies, four FOSC zones, and ten state geographic areas. This poster will then visualize how initial interest and attendance for Area Committees peaked pre-pandemic and then flatlined in 2021, as the three agencies struggled to adapt to virtual meetings. Further challenging participation, agencies could not rely on agency emails and in person presentations to ensure attendance. The poster will review how academic partnerships, the use of modern email marketing, and interactive online tools made stale Area Committee meetings more engaging, and in turn increasing full Area Committee meeting attendance and interactivity, as well as active participation in subcommittee and workgroup projects in between scheduled Area Committee meetings.
Arctic Emergency Mgmt Specialist
ARRT Coordinator
Contingency Planner
Event Type
TimeMonday, May 13th5:00pm - 6:00pm CDT
LocationExhibit Hall G