Virtual emergency response training during a pandemic – What did we learn?
SessionMeet the Poster Authors
DescriptionExercises are all about gathering the different experts together as a team to work on a mutual problem that either threatens our people, environment, assets, or reputation. Not being able to exercise our emergency response plans by gathering people together face-to-face made it difficult to find the areas where improvement was needed, and to identify gaps as well as increase the competence of our emergency response personnel.
We train the same way we fight, and training virtually created a distance between the two. How will we maintain a strong, robust, and interactive training and exercise program during a pandemic? This qualitative study will through interviews and research of completed training and exercises both before and during the pandemic explore the challenges, downsides, and benefits of both virtual and face to face training.
Our advice to companies that conduct training given the fact that we are not amid a pandemic but well on our way out towards the other side of it. Carefully choose training media, virtual versus face-to-face. Identify a vendor to assist or support with training and facilitation – Increase the training frequency if using 100% virtual and have a clearly understood objectives and deliverables for exercises. It is also important to be aware of the different outcomes the two methods of delivering training can give.
We train the same way we fight, and training virtually created a distance between the two. How will we maintain a strong, robust, and interactive training and exercise program during a pandemic? This qualitative study will through interviews and research of completed training and exercises both before and during the pandemic explore the challenges, downsides, and benefits of both virtual and face to face training.
Our advice to companies that conduct training given the fact that we are not amid a pandemic but well on our way out towards the other side of it. Carefully choose training media, virtual versus face-to-face. Identify a vendor to assist or support with training and facilitation – Increase the training frequency if using 100% virtual and have a clearly understood objectives and deliverables for exercises. It is also important to be aware of the different outcomes the two methods of delivering training can give.
Event Type
TimeMonday, May 13th5:00pm - 6:00pm CDT
LocationExhibit Hall G