

Next steps for Common Operating Pictures based on recent experiences in Brazil
DescriptionOver the past decade, with the large number of new entrants in the Brazilian Oil and Gas market investing in mature fields, along with notable environmental emergencies , such as the 2019 oil spill from an unknown source in the Northeast of Brazil, the Federal Environmental Agency has pushed for increased oil spill detection and monitoring solutions. To meet regulatory demands and improve oil spill response operations, several solutions have been developed, mostly by integrating AIS and OSD radar data with live streaming of video and infrared images, using tried and tested, off-the-shelf, software packages and developing monitoring methodologies.

Indeed, most of these solutions have been developed to better address early detection; efficient allocation of human and material resources; precise, transparent and real-time communication with government agencies and other stakeholders; all key factors to ensuring a successful oil spill response. Few have been able to provide a Common Operating Picture capable of providing a tactical situation overview. This study looks at the future of the Common Operating Picture: how to improve these solutions by incorporating proactive alarms; spill modelling; socioeconomic studies; subsea asset mapping; along with data from other sensors such as ROV systems, Aerostats/UAVs, aircrafts.
Event Type
TimeMonday, May 13th5:00pm - 6:00pm CDT
LocationExhibit Hall G