SCAT - Shoreline Clean-Up Assessment Technique
DescriptionA shoreline response usually presents the greatest challenge in terms of management and can potentially be the most expensive part of an oil spill response. As soon as the oil hits the shoreline, the amount of time, effort and resources increases. Shoreline Clean-up Assessment Technique (SCAT) is a well-established systematic approach which is used to document the status of oiled shorelines and their subsequent treatment recommendations (i.e. clean-up methods). This 1 day course will look at the fundamentals needed to implement and be part of a SCAT programme, from looking at the character and dynamics of coastal zones and how oil behaves on different shoreline types to managing a shoreline assessment programme and developing the most appropriate end-points. The course will be carried out in the classroom / field and will provide you with first-hand experience in assessing a shoreline and develop an understanding of the dynamics that control oil behaviour and the physical environmental factors that determine clean-up options.
PhD, Sr. Scientist
Principal Trainer & Consultant
Event Type
Short Course
TimeMonday, May 13th8:00am - 5:00pm CDT