Kelly Oskvig is a Senior Program Officer for the Ocean Studies Board at the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine where she leads projects focused on different aspects of ocean conservation and responsible stewardship of the oceans. Before joining the Ocean Studies Board, Kelly worked for the National Academies’ Gulf Research Program, leading their Safer Offshore Energy Systems and Understanding Gulf Ocean Systems initiatives. Kelly started her career in the energy industry and transitioned to the non-profit sector 15 years ago where she has enjoyed working with the world’s most prominent scientists and engineers to develop, advise, and administer scientific research programs. Kelly’s most recent projects cover the topics of ocean-based carbon dioxide removal and sequestration, fate and effects of oil in the oceans, national ocean science priorities, environmental effects of offshore wind farms, and increasing diversity in ocean sciences. Kelly earned a MS degree in Geosciences (physical oceanography) from Texas A&M University and a BS in Civil Engineering from the University of Texas at Austin.