Presenter Full Program · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · Flagged · Happening NowMore…Search ProgramFlaggedHappening NowTimothy J. NedwedExxonMobil Upstream Research CompanyBiographyTim Nedwed retired as ExxonMobil's Principal Advisor for oil spill response in 2023.PresentationsSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Inland RespondersPaperProof of concept study for in-situ burn application using conventional containment booms – Design of Burning TongueResponseSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Seasoned ExpertsPaperRemotely Operated Vehicle for Oil Spill ResponseResponsePaperAdvanced Well Control using Rapid Cross-linking PolymersPreventionSpecial SessionCollaboration on Training and Exercises to Develop the Sixth Generation of Spill Responders and Incident ManagersPaperEnhancing the mechanical recovery of oil from marine and freshwater environmentsPreventionPaperOptimized Underwater Detection of Dispersed Oils Using Scanning FluorometryPreventionPaperThe Impact of Oil Properties on Seawater-in-Oil Emulsion Formation: a Mesocosm Flume Tank InvestigationRestorationChair of SessionsSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Seasoned ExpertsSpecial SessionKnowledge Transfer from Inland Responders