Session Full Program · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · Flagged · Happening NowMore…Search ProgramFlaggedHappening NowPaper: Prevention, Preparedness and Response - InternationalSession ChairDavid DavidsonOrion Consulting LLCRetired from ChevronEvent TypePaperTagsPreventionTimeWednesday, May 15th10:00am - 11:30am CDTLocation291-292Presentations10:00am - 10:20am CDTStudy of the response preparedness in European and Mediterranean ports and identification of best practices and main gapsAuthorsArnaud GuénaMargaux BigliettiWilliam Giraud10:20am - 10:40am CDTPer and polyfluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs) in the Petrochemical Industry in Africa: The Need for Regulatory FrameworkAuthorsAbraham EkperusiTom Coolbaugh10:40am - 11:00am CDTBird interactions with offshore oil and gas platforms and a specialized remote assistanceAuthorsViviane BarqueteDriellie MeloNatalia MorettiValeria Ruoppolo11:00am - 11:20am CDTResponse to LSFO spills - results from the IMAROS-projectAuthorsSilje BergerFanny CheverTorben IversenSebastien LegrandJelena SavicMevric ZammitJan Willie HolbuHilde DolvaIngvild Alstad FrognerBjørn Ronny Frost