Session Full Program · Contributors · Organizations · Search Program · Flagged · Happening NowMore…Search ProgramFlaggedHappening NowPaper: Hazardous and Noxious SubstancesSession ChairJoseph SwackhammerUS EPAEvent TypePaperTagsPreparednessTimeTuesday, May 14th1:30pm - 3:00pm CDTLocation288-290Presentations1:30pm - 1:50pm CDTCanadian Coast Guard Response to the M/V Zim KingstonAuthorPaul Barrett1:50pm - 2:10pm CDTThe Construction of a Paradigm in Latin America: The Honduras Model of Oil Pollution and HNS ControlAuthorJuan Carlos Rivera Garcia2:10pm - 2:30pm CDTTackle the evaporation rates of volatile HNS: A lab-scale experiment to serve marine pollution responseAuthorsLaura COTTELudovic LEPERSSebastien LEGRANDLaurent APRINStephane LE FLOCH2:30pm - 2:50pm CDTModelling the fate of brine releases during Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) operations and the extend of the effects in the marine environmentAuthorsKonstantinos KotzakoulakisJørgen SkanckeRaymond Nepstad